這些都是我們在學校背過的中級英檢單字 , 每天背五個 , 有興趣的伙伴可以加入我們的背誦行列喔 ~!


1. abandon (v.) (1) to leave forever. Abandon ship! (2)to give up.  

                                 Never abandon hope!


2. abnormal (adj.) different from what is usual or average,  

     specially in a way that is bad: Tests revealed some abnormal skin 



3. aboard (adv.) on or into a train, ship, or aircraft:

     The flight attendant welcomed us aboard.


4. absence (n.) when someone is not where they are usually

     expected to be:

     She has had repeated absences from school this year.


5. absolute (adj.) very great or to the largest degree possible:

     I have absolute faith in her judgment.


6. accomplice (n.) a partner in crime:

     The police are still looking for  the thief's accomplice.


7. archer (n.) one who shoots with bows and arrows


8. audience (n.) people who watch a play or show:

     His books have a large audience.


9. bachelor (n.) an unmarried man:

     He remained a bachelor until he was well into his 40s.


10. bankrupt (n.)a person who is unable to repay the money he

       owes: He was declared a bankrupt.


11. barbarian (n.) a person without culture, refinement, or

       education: The walled city was attacked by barbarian hordes.


12. bookworm (n.) a person who loves reading books


13. braggart (n.) a person who speaks too proudly about what he

       has done or what he owns


14. burglar (n.) a person who breaks into a house to steal valuables:

        The burglar stole her jewellery.


15. busybody (n.) a person who likes to mind other people’s

       business: Some interfering busybodies had rung the police.


16. citizen: a person who lives in and belongs to a particular

       country, city or state:

       The United States gives its citizens certain rights.


17. criminal: a person who is guilty of a crime


18. cripple: a lame(跛的) person:

        He has been a cripple since that car accident.


19. cyclist: a person who rides a bicycle


20. drunkard: a person who is frequently drunk:

        I'm afraid he's turning into a drunkard.


21. foreigner (n.): a person who comes from another country


22. graduate (n.): a person who has completed their school,

       college or university education


23. guest (n.): a person who is staying with you, or a person whom

       you have invited to a social occasion, such as a party or a meal:

      150 guests were invited to the wedding.


24. hooligan (n.): a person who acts in a violent way without

       thinking and causes damage:

       Hooligans had sprayed paint all over the car.


25. host/hostess (n.): a person who entertains(娛樂) a guest


26. absorb (v.):

       1. to take something in, especially gradually:

            Plants absorb carbon dioxide.

       2. to understand facts or ideas completely and remember them:

            It's hard to absorb so much information.


27. abstract (adj.):

       existing as an idea, feeling or quality, not as a material object:

       Truth and beauty are abstract concepts.


28.abuse (v.):

      1. to use or treat someone or something wrongly or badly:

          She is continually abusing her position by getting other people

          to do things for her.

      2. to treat badly: This boss abuses his workers.


29. academic (adj.): relating to schools, colleges and universities,

       or connected with studying and thinking:

       the academic year (= the time, usually from September to June,

       during which students go to school or college)


30. accent (n.): the way in which people in a particular area, country

       or social group pronounce words:

       He's got a strong French/Scottish accent.


31. accept (v.) to agree to take something:

        Do you accept credit cards?


32. access

      (n.) the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter,

               speak with, or use; admittance: They have access to the files.

      (v.) be able to reach, approach, enter: How do I access the attic in

              this house?(我要怎樣才能進入這間屋子的閣樓)


33. accidental (adj.): happening by chance;

       not planned or unexpected: an accidental meeting.


34. accommodate (v.):

       1. to have or make room for:

            Will this elevator accommodate 10 people?

       2. to adjust: It is never easy to accommodate to social change.


35. accompany (v.): to go along or in company with; join in action:

       He accompanied her to the door.


36. acrobat (n.):a person who does daring acts in a circus


37. accord (v.): to be the same as something, or to agree with

        something:  His version of events does not accord with

        witnesses' statements.


38. account (v.): to think of someone or something in the stated way:

        He accounted himself lucky.


39. accurate (adj.): correct, exact and without any mistakes:

       We hope to become more accurate in predicting earthquakes.


40. accuse: to say that someone has done something morally wrong,

       illegal or unkind: They accused him of stealing the car.


41. accustom (v.): to make yourself familiar with new conditions:

        It will take time for me to accustom myself to the changes.


42. ache (n.): a continuous pain which is unpleasant but not strong:

       I've got a slight ache in my lower back.


43. achievement (n.): something very good and difficult that you

       have succeeded in doing: It gives you a sense of achievement if

       you actually make it to the end of a very long book.


44. acid (n.): a substance with a sour taste: Vinegar is an acid.


45. acquaint (v.): to make familiar:

        Please acquaint us with your plans.


46. acquaintance (n.):

       a person that you have met but do not know well:

       He is my father’s business acquaintance.


47.acquire (v.): to obtain or get something:

       I was wearing a newly acquired jacket.


48. acre (n.): a unit for measuring area, equal to 4047 square meters

        or 4840 square yards: He's got 400 acres of land in Wales.


49. adapt (n.): to change or alter so as to fit a different situation:

       She always adapted easily to new environments.


50.adequate (adj.): enough or sufficient:

       He does not earn a large salary but it is adequate for his needs. 


51. adjust (v.): to change something to make it more correct:

        If the chair is too high you can adjust it to suit you.


52. administration (n.): the management of any office, business, or

       organization: She has little experience in administration 


53. admire (v.): To have a high opinion of: I admired him for his



54. admission (n.): when you agree that something is true


55. advanced (adj.): Being at a higher level than others:

        It’s an advanced computer course


56. adventure (n.): an unusual, exciting and possibly dangerous

       activity such as a journey or experience: She had some exciting

       adventures in Egypt.


57. advertise (v.): to make something known in public:

        We advertised our car in the local newspaper.


58. adviser (n.): someone whose job is to give advice about a subject:

       She is the party's main economic adviser.


59. affection (n.): a feeling of liking for a person or place:

       He had a deep affection for his aunt.


60. afford (v.): to be able to buy or do something because you have

        enough money or time:

        I don't know how he can afford a new car on his salary.


61. agency (n.): a business which represents one group of people:

       This company has agencies in many countries.


62. aggressive (adj.): behaving in an angry and violent way towards

       another person:

       If I criticize him, he gets aggressive and starts shouting.


63. agriculture (n.): farming:

       Agriculture is still largely based on traditional methods in some



64. air-conditioned (adj.): a building, room or vehicle in which the

       air is kept cool: We dream of an air-conditioned classroom.


65. alcohol: a colourless liquid which can make you drunk:

        I never drink alcohol — I drink orange juice.


66. alcoholic (n.): a person who is unable to give up the habit of

       drinking alcohol very frequently


67. alert (n.): a warning:

       The alert sounded when they got on the bus..


68. alley (n.): a narrow road or path between buildings


69. allowance (n.): money that you are given regularly:

        His father made him an allowance of $20 a month.


70. alongside (adv./ pp.) beside, or together with:

        The boat pulled up alongside the dock.


71. alternative (n.): offering a choice of a second possibility

        I'm afraid I have no alternative but to ask you to leave.


72. altitude (n.): height above sea-level:

       What is the altitude of the town?


73. aluminum (n.): A silvery-white, ductile metallic element


74. amateur (n.): taking part in an activity for pleasure, not as a job:

       He was an amateur singer until the age of 40, when he turned



75.ambassador (n.): a diplomat of the highest rank:

       He is the Chinese Ambassador to Italy


76. ambition (n.): an earnest desire for some type of achievement:

       He is full of ambition and energy.


77. amid (pp.): in the middle of: A church stands amid skycrapers.


78. amuse (v.): to make somebody laugh:

       The clown amused the children.


79. analyze (v.): to study or examine something in detail:

       Can you analyze a sentence?


80. ancestor (n.): a person who was a member of one's family a long

        time ago: There were portraits of his ancestors on the walls of

       the room.


81. angle (n.): the space between two lines:

        The boat settled into the mud at an angle of 35 degrees.


82.anniversary (n.): the day on which an important event happened

        in a previous year:

       They always celebrate their wedding anniversary with dinner in

       an expensive restaurant.


83 announce (v.): to state or make known, especially publicly:

       They announced the death of their mother in the local paper.


84. annoy (v.): to make someone angry:

       I'm sorry - is my cough annoying you?


85. annual (adj.): of one year: What’s his annual salary?


86. anxiety (n.): an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry

        about something that is happening or might happen in the

        future: Children normally feel a lot of anxiety about their first

        day at school.


87. anxious (adj.): worried and nervous:

       I saw my sister's anxious face at the window.


88. anyhow (adv.): In any case; at least:

       I think they're asleep; anyhow, they're quiet.


89. apart (adv.): separated by a distance:

       She lives apart from her family.


90. ape (n.): an animal like a large monkey:

        Chimpanzees and gorillas are both apes.


91. apology (n.): an expression of regret at having caused trouble for

       someone: I owe you an apology for my rudeness.


92. apparent (adj.): able to be seen or understood:

       Her unhappiness was apparent to everyone


93. appeal (v.): be attractive to: The idea of a vacation appeals to me.


94. appetite (n.): a desire for food: I haven't got much of an appetite


95. applaud (v.): to show enjoyment or approval of something such

        as a performance or speech by clapping the hands : You should

        have heard the audience applaud - the noise was fantastic.


96. applause (n.): hand clapping as a demonstration of approval,

       appreciation, acclamation: The President received great

       applause at the end of his speech.


97. appliance (n.): an instrument or tool used for a particular job

       Example: washing-machines and other electrical appliances


98. applicant (n.): a person who applies for or requests something:

       There were two hundred applicants for the job.


99. application (n.): an act of applying:

       December 31 is the deadline for applications.


100. appoint (v.): (1) to give (a person) a job or position:

          They appointed him manager. (2) to determine by authority or

          agreement; fix; set: The professor appointed a time for the



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