This book is about space. A class and a teacher go to space by a magic school bus. A student named Carlos makes a robot but it flies out to the space by an accident. They drive the magic school bus to chase it.On the way to catch the robot, they recognize the planets in the solar system. There are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The planets go around the big hot sun. The sun is very hot, the inner core is 27 millions°F (degree fahrenheit)! Jupiter is the largest planet, Pluto is the smallest planet. Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun. Pluto is the farthest planet to the sun. Mercury is very hot at day time but very cold at night time. Mercury and Venus don't have moons, Earth and Pluto each have one moon, Mars has two moons, Neptune has eight moons, Jupiter has sixteen moons, Saturn has eighteen moons, and Uranus has twenty moons! At last, they catch the robot, but the rockets aren't working. Everyone is scared, if the rockets aren't working, they're going to float in the space forever! They try and try, but they can't fix them, so the robot helps them, and the rockets work! They fly back to Earth safely! I like this book very much, because it is fun, and I learn a lot about the mysterious space!



Sept 30,2007

    創作者 小方 ( Margery ) 的頭像
    小方 ( Margery )

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