《禮樂記》:「箏五絃,筑身也。 」
圖片來源 : http://www.nhu.edu.tw/~topart/www1/5/ya513.htm
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《禮樂記》:「箏五絃,筑身也。 」
圖片來源 : http://www.nhu.edu.tw/~topart/www1/5/ya513.htm
如有侵犯版權請來信告知,我會馬上刪除 ! 謝謝 !
I think Rebecca Estella isn't healthy, because she doesn't eat pumpkins and she hates pumpkins ! But one day a pumpkin smashes into her yard and she feels disgust ! If an enormous pumpkin falls into my yard, my family and I will eat it, but Rebecca Estella doesn't eat it, she makes it into pies, cakes and cookies ! I think she's kind, she makes things for everyone to eat, she's really a friendly girl !
I think the people are so poor, they don’t have food to eat, no safe place to live. If I have a lot of money, I will give them some money to help them, but I have no money. The Red Cross is so friendly ! They help the poor, the poor have place to live and food to eat, I want to join The Red Cross to help the poor !
這是和摩羯座神話有關的故事,有一天牧神 Pan 正在尼羅河畔賣力的為奧林匹斯眾神吹奏美妙仙樂時,把怪物 Typhon 引了來,眾神一看不妙,紛紛化成動物的形態逃走。這時愛與美的女神--Venus和她的兒子戀愛之神--丘比特正在河邊散步,眼見 Typhon 衝來而受到驚嚇。 Venus 怕邱比特被河水沖走,於是用絲帶繫住丘比特的腳,另一端則綁在自己的身上,同時化身成兩條魚相繼躍入水中。這就是雙魚座神話的由來。